Saturday 26 January 2013

Make a Wacom Product Advertisement in Photoshop

In today's tutorial we will learn how to make a Wacom Product Advertisement in Photoshop. We use Photoshop technique and texture. So let's have a start...

Step 1: Scene Setup and Panda Integration

Ok so to start off we will need our base wacom tablet stock image. This stock image can be located here:

Once you have your stock image just go ahead and isolate it out using your pen tool, then drop it into a horizontal canvas of your choosing (I went with 3000*2000).

Once that is done grab your elliptical marquee tool (m on your keyboard) and make a giant circular selection on a new layer. Fill this with red and drop the opacity down to about 8%. Once that is done grab a nice big soft eraser (0% hardness, 300px should work fine) and feather the bottom so it fades away.


Now we have our rising sun!

Once the ‘sun’ has been created its time to move over and start dropping our pandas in. I used pandas from shutterstock but you can use whatever you can find. In fact if you wanted to you could use something else, apes maybe? The below screenshots show what my pandas look like. Once you have your pandas (or animal of choice) you just want to pen tool all of them out and then just drop them all over the tablet as I have done below.

Now lets take a look at one of the pandas. Whilst they are cute and all… they look a tad bit dull, to fix this we can quickly pant over them using a small hard brush. Keep in mind that we are not trying to paint over the entirety of the panda, we are just trying to bring life to the panda!

My panda looks like the below screen shot.

Now grab a hard small brush similar to mine in the below screenshot and paint away. Keep in mind that the pandas are not solid blocks of white and black, they are hairy! So make strokes that blend together and that interweave.

Now my panda looks like the below screenshot.

Once we have painted over our pandas its time to add a tiny bit of shadow beneath him. I say tiny because when looking at the pen which is laying on the tablet there is virtually no shadow. So set your brush up as mine is in the below screen shot with an opacity of about 20% and paint a shadow beneath the panda on a new layer.

Now its time to create the reflection for our panda, however this will be a tad different than our last tutorial demonstrating reflections. To begin duplicate your panda and flip it vertically, then apply a Gaussian blur with a radius of about 8, finally using the eraser we used prior feather out the edges of the panda. Once all of this is done, drop the opacity to about 20% and erase away any sections that go off the tablet.

Now we can repeat this process with the remainder of our pandas!

Step 2: Vegetation!

Now its time to start painting our grass in, this will be similar to the last time we painted grass but with a few differences here and there. To start off grab the same brush that we used prior and choose a semi dark green. Do a few ‘starter’ strokes to define the area you wish to encompass with your grass. Next switch over to a lighter green and fill this area in with some smaller strokes and then switch back to the previous green and add some smaller strokes with this as well. Now continue doing this (on a much smaller scale) so it looks like the small strands are bunched together and the larger strands are sticking out amongst the fray.

Finally you can add a very low opacity reflection on the tablet from the grass in the same manner that we did the pandas.

Now repeat this process everywhere you want to add a little vegetation to the scene.

Next up its time to add some larger foliage, a tree or two to be exact! So grab a tree stock that you like, I used a banzai from shutterstock, isolate it out and drop it in behind your grass. Once that is done give it a nice large reflection just like we have drone prior.

And then if you want, do it again as I have done.

My scene now looks like the below screen shot, minus the cropped rising sun.

Now its time to add some bamboo, this is a wacom bamboo mock advert isn’t it? You can find bamboo stocks all over the net on Deviantart, sxc and various other sites. Mine are from Shutterstock and look like the below screenshots.

Now we can repeat the tree process using our bamboo, just isolate them out, place them behind the grass and add a reflection.

Now we can add in some large scale bamboo tops, that is to say, the leafy part. You of course don’t have to use bamboo for this if you do not want to. I choose to do so just due to a mistake partly. My stock is from shutterstock and looks like the below screenshot. You just want to isolate this out and drop it under your tablet.

Step 3: Various stock implementations, extra details and finishing touches

To start off our miscellaneous section we will begin by dropping in a building. My building (like the other stocks) is from shutterstock and looks like the below screenshot. You can find a very similar building on Sxc or DA. Isolate your building out and plop it under one of the trees you put in earlier. Like everything else this will need a reflection!

Now lets add some color to the tablet! To do this grab the same small brush and create a new layer with an opacity of 45%. Using the red that you used for the sun just fill in some areas on the tablet, like the Wacom logo and some small lines on the pen.

Now after looking at it for a bit, I think the canvas is just to plain. So to bump things up a bit create a semi-grey to white gradient as the background. This will help to break up the blandness of the canvas and make the entire thing that much better.

Now we can grab some birds and isolate them out and drop them in around our trees.

Once that is done we can grab the wacom logo from: and the bamboo logo from (the text only) and drop them both into our document. Set both layers up as a multiply and place the wacom text above the bamboo text to create our mock up logo.

And now we are done! I added in some kanji work around the logo to finish mine off and you can too, or you can leave it as is. My finished image looks like the below screenshot.

Hope you can learn something new from this tutorial.

I feel really glad if you give me feedback through comment below. Soon i am going to show more interesting & innovative tutorials so please keep visit our blog. That’s for now.

Have fun!

Feel free to contact with Clipping Design for clipping path service, image editing service, image masking service or any kind of design support.

Thank you

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